Don't pet or play with them yet, you don't want to create a connection that this
area is the "play area" and not the "potty area".To help associate this area even
further, when you take your puppy out, say something like, "Go pee" or "potty time".
Give them a treat, make the connection that going potty outside, is a good thing.Develop
a Training ScheduleDevelop a training routine, and stick to it! I suggest crate training, it's
what I used on my puppy and it worked great. Because of this, they won't
like going in the crate the first couple of times. Herding the cat, barking at
the T.V and just wreaking havoc on your shoes. It's really not that hard of
a thing to do, as long as you follow these basic tips.Potty Training 101First off,
take your puppy to a designated "potty" area somewhere outside and put tn them down on
the grass. But don't worry, if you make the crate nice and cozy with blankets
or towels, they'll think its heaven!Stick to the schedule, don't forget this! Puppies' bladders are
very small and weak, so you have a small window to get them outside before
they ruin your carpet. At least, that's what mine did. But you got to stick
with it, and be patient above everything else.When in the crate, they will whine and
beg. Its best if the phrase is short and recognizable. Mine barked and whined for
a couple hours, but if you follow the schedule you made closely and shower your
puppy with lots of attention while they're out of the crate, when they're in the
crate they'll see it as their own personal haven where they can relax and get
a nap in peace.Remember! Be Patient and Steadfast! If requin tn you use this method, they will
whine, but don't respond to it.Bringing it All TogetherPuppy training is hard, especially when you're
a Corgi owner. So You Got a New Corgi PupAdorable aren't they? As soon as
you get them home, they're all over the place. You'll be saying, "Potty time" a
lot before your Corgi knows what it means.Remember to praise them after they finish. Puppy
comes outside with you for a toilet break.7.25: Breakfast (for me and the puppy).7.45: Back
outside for another potty break (accompanied by you, of course.)7.50 - 8.45: Play-time! Take the
puppy out of the crate, and play with it!8.45: Back outside for another potty break.8.50
- 11: Put the puppy back in the crate for a nap.11 am: Potty break
again! Bring em' outside, and remember, be patient!11.05 - 12.30: Playtime Again! Play and pet
your puppy! Keeping them active is a must!12:30: Lunch time.12.45: Another potty break.1 - 3.30:
Nap time, put them back in the crate.Crate Training Rules of ThumbCorgis are very active
dogs and require a lot of attention and room. The homecoming is probably the most
memorable experience; it's also the best opportunity to instill good habits into your new Corgi
pup. There are other methods, but from I've heard, crate training is one of the
best.The schedule I used and you don't have to do this if it doesn't work
for you, was this:7am: Wake up. And remember, be patient. Be patient, this is a
biggy, wait while they sniff around. Because of this, is imperative that you take them
outside as soon as they wake up and within ten minutes of eating or playing.For
more Corgi Training tips, tricks and information that covers everything from chewing, barking, and aggression
issues: Click Here!.
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